
The Core values that guide the actions of RHCF target towards the most vulnerable section of society are as follows:


RHCF Seeks to reduce the disparity that exists in the world by empowering and skill building of people for livelihood activities, so that it can ensure equitable distribution of benefits amongst different stakeholders.

Human Dignity and Wellbeing

All human being should be treated equal without any kind of discrimination on the basis of   race, gender, religion, language, social and economic conditions, birth or other ascribed or achieved status. 

Self-Sustenance of Community

If humanity is to tackle the problems of a growing global population, increased urbanization, scarcity of resources and climate change, we have to rethink the way we live. RHCF aims at doing this by being built to be self-sustaining from the ground up. 


RHCF strongly feels that promoting participation and collaboration among various stakeholders at various levels will lead to fruitful results.

Accountability and Transparency

RHCF is proud on being accountable and Transparent in its approach to all its stakeholders, especially its target groups, donors and partner organizations. While maintaining this, we place equal emphasis on accountability and transparency maintained by different stakeholders too.

Empanelment with Government

RHCF has always been at the forefront in Social development sector. We believe that, joint efforts with Government and organizations with similar mindsets can bring huge impact in the social sector and change millions of life. 

  Text Box: Values and Principles

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